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Kansai International Academy is a school that provides multilingual education. English and French are compulsory. The global society that gets pointed out a lot, English is of course, but from the view of practical use and culture, multilingual human resources will be demanded.

However, the acquisition of a second and third language gets consisted for the first time when Japanese, native language, is acquired enough. That is not as simple as just learning Japanese, however, it means to acquire liberal education such as Japanese history, culture, politics, economics, and so on.

In our secondary school, we nourish students with total Japanese skills that will be the base for all studies and to learn skills, and ability that meets the level for high-level universities in and out of Japan, but we also put emphasis on the abilities for understanding things and making accurate decisions, thinking logically and expressing those, and creativity that would be needed for the leaders that would have an impact on global society. Not just acquiring a wide range of knowledge and culture through literary works, but we aim to establish an identity as a Japanese by searching the backgrounds of the authors, their historical context, and the view of humans in that age. 


This is an example of the timetable for G7 and G8. 
All subjects including English, Japanese, mathematics, science, and social studies are conducted by subject teachers.
Math and Social Studies are taught in both English and Japanese, and Science is taught in English.

Curriculum  »

G7 Timetable (Example)
G11 Timetable (Example)

Secondary Timeline

We offer a one-year study abroad program in September of G9.
After returning from the study abroad program, students can take the preparation courses such as the Pre DP course until March to prepare for the next course.

And, we have DP Course for G11 and G12 students.

Study Abroad

At Kansai International Academy, our study abroad year begins during the second semester of the third year of junior high school. 

 It is a sensitive time in their lives, and because of this, we would like them experience a one-year, long- term study abroad program.

They will be able to rediscover who they are, come into contact with the new person they are becoming, and discover new goals and personal beliefs. They will have grown thoroughly upon their return home.

Senior High School

Kansai International Academy is an authorized IB world school for the Diploma Programme since January 2020. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

Diploma Pogramme  »

Overseas Universities Course

This course is for students who wish to attend university abroad. In regards to the school of their choice, an individualized curriculum is created, and courses for TOEFLiBT, IELTS, SAT, etc. are conducted. Moreover, we support students not only academically, but provide them with a bounty of information.

Doctor’s Course

This course is for the students who aim to enter and learn in Colleges of Medicine not only in Japan, but also abroad as well and be an international doctor. In addition to coaching exams, we offer project-based studies, and lessons of scientific English to enlarge their education.

Domestic Universities Course

This course is for students who are aiming for admission into elite universities’ medical and science programs .While providing guidance for examination for the school of their choice ,investigate lessons (project-based learning )and classes that teach scientific English are held.

Career Education

Kansai International Academy has developed an integrated career education program from elementary to secondary school. Especially in the secondary school, we started to implement a career education curriculum for each grade from this school year, looking at study abroad, DP, university entrance and beyond.
The purpose of career education is to help students acquire the skills necessary to become independent, and to choose and determine their own careers and paths by themselves.

Career Counseling

KIA Secondary School offers individual career counseling for all students in grades G7 through G12.
Guidance counselors specializing in overseas and Japanese universities provide individual counseling and information to students on studying abroad for one year, DP selection, and university admission, and support their career development.
Online information sessions are also held after school, which are conducted exclusively for KIA students by academic admissions staff from overseas and Japanese universities.

Learning Support

Study Hall

We set classes free after school to make space for assignments, individual supplementary curriculum, and self-study under teachers from each subject. Also, we support students with their summative assignments, examinations outside school, and their self-management skills.


At Kansai International Academy, a lot of classes are done in English to maintain the level of English, and one year of studying abroad is required. In order to give full support for the students, IESL (Intensive English as Second Language) teachers measure each student’s English ability, and make an action plan that suits each student to improve their weakness.


Middle and high school uses ‘スタディサプリ’ as a tool for self-studying after school. The use of it differs in each student as it can be used for preparing for classes, improving weakness, a study in advance, preparing for entering examinations for universities. Teachers becomes a ‘tutor’ for each student and depending on the student’s course and their achievement, teachers create a schedule for study and establish the way of studying for each student. Students decide which course to take with the teachers, however, we recommend to take courses from different grade

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