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What is the house system?

Our school community is joined together by a house system in which all students and staff are assigned to one of the four houses. The house system encourages everyone involved in the school to share various values and thoughts and to contribute to the realization of a better community.

The house system was developed by boarding schools in the UK. The word ‘house’ comes from ‘boarding house’, which is the base of life for boarding students during school time. That system is still widely used today and has influenced not only the way many schools are run, but also the perspectives of students who participated. It has been adopted by Cambridge and Oxford Universities in the UK, universities in Commonwealth countries, as well as Harvard and Yale Universities in the United States.

Kansai International Academy House System

Kansai International Academy introduced the House System in 2016. Through the House System, we aim to strengthen our connections as a community while valuing each student’s individuality.

The house system has become a big part of the students’ lives and is an essential part of understanding and passing on the school’s philosophy and culture. We have also worked closely with the Student Action Committee to ensure that the voice of the students is better represented in decisions on a range of school-related matters.


The Four Houses of Kansai International Academy

Every house aligns with a value that is instilled in the students of Kansai International Academy. Each house is represented by one of four colors—blue, red, green, or yellow—and teachers and parents chose to name their houses after famous people who demonstrated these values in word and deed. At Kansai International Academy, blue symbolizes “inquiry” by Albert Einstein, red symbolizes “commitment” by Malala Yousafzai, green symbolizes “leadership” by Shoin Yoshida, and yellow symbolizes “creativity” by Leonardo da Vinci.

Points are given to students who have said and done things that reflect these values and made contributions that have a positive impact on other students during their time at school. This is a great way to experience how an individual’s actions connect and contribute to the community and society as a whole. Once a month at the school assembly, the points of each House are tallied and the House with the most points will be awarded the House Cup. The House Cup is decorated with the color ribbon of the house that won the cup.

Upon entering Kansai International Academy, the entire family belongs to a House. Even after graduating, they remain in the same House along with their siblings and parents, which means that the House Cup is passed down from generation to generation.

Advantages of the House System

  • Stimulating Connections and Communication between Students
    Kansai International Academy’s House System is designed to foster connections and communication between students across grade levels and backgrounds. Connections across age and class boundaries give each student more opportunities to excel outside of the classroom.
  • Fostering a Healthy Competitive Spirit
    Throughout yearly events, students learn to work together to achieve group goals and to respect everyone regardless of their ranking. Competition is also a necessary part of the growth process, and it is important that this competitive spirit is supported and nurtured in a healthy way. Through these events, students will have more opportunities to excel outside the classroom.
  • Caring for Each Other
    Students can talk to their house leaders, teachers, and friends when they have a problem or question. In this way, they have more people to turn to in addition to the principal or head teachers. Belonging to a community outside of the classroom also helps students develop a sense of identity, self-esteem, and responsibility not only on an individual level, but also on a group level. They have more opportunities to learn from each other, including being better role models for their friends. Students develop a sense of pride and loyalty to the House they belong to, which leads to a greater sense of attachment to the school and a sense of pride in their alma mater.
  • Promoting the “Learner’s Image” as Proposed by IB
    Through the house system, we promote the IB’s vision of the learner. Acquiring House points is important to students at Kansai International Academy. It can only be achieved when students are seen to have the learner profile attributes, attitudes, and behaviors that we strive to demonstrate.